Defeating the Slinth is required to complete the Cure Uraku objective.
After you've mastered the survival skills Ki'arin, Lufri, and Za'akan teach you, return to Hometree and speak with Vey’ang to advance the story. You are now tasked with locating the Slinth den and collecting it’s fang to heal your father, Uraku.
The cure comes from the fang of a Slinth, a dangerous beast that stalks the Rainforests of Pandora.
Before you climb up to the Slinth's Lair, we recommend that you increase your health by finding the Spirit Willows around the various regions near Hometree. Additionally, we recommend crafting lots of Heavy Arrows and cooking a few meals that grant two circles of Stamina.
A quick and easy meal you can make is the Mushroom Soup recipe.
In the Rainforest you can find Squid Fruit hanging from trees. Shoot them with your bow to knock them down and forage them. Additionally, Puff Dandy’s can be found in caves to collect.
Return back to Hometree and interact with the Cooking Fire to open a menu allowing you to turn your foraged resources into meals.
Select the Mushroom Soup recipe, combining your Squid Fruit and Puff Dandy into a meal.
Hold your Objective Menu and search for the Slinth icon in the Rainforest. Consume the previously created Mushroom Soup before climbing up the tall cliff.
When you begin your fight with the Slinth, keep your distance and avoid its charge attacks. We recommend waiting until the Slinth's face plates open, firing an arrow at it, and then moving out of the way. Be sure to give yourself opportunities to recover Stamina.
Defeat and harvest the Slinth's remains to collect the Fang.
Return to Hometree and speak to Vey’ang to advance the story.
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