Bugs with a known fix:
For many fixes, you will need to activate cheats.
To do this follow these steps:
- go to map settings
unlock template options
activate cheats
return to the map
paste in fix as stated below
return to settings
de-activate cheats
Knife and Bow disappear after death:
You might be able to solve this issue by using cheats, but we have not tested this yet.
- Activate cheats
- Run /function dialogue/get_bow2
- Run /function dialogue/get_knife2
- Then, deactivate cheats
Known Bugs fixed in "Hotfix 1" (1.0.1):
These bugs should be fixed using our latest hotfix. Please go to Marketplace and update Avatar: Rites of Passage on your device.
View the full changelog here: https://support.gamemodeone.com/hc/en-us/articles/31769351504539-Changelog-Avatar-Rites-of-Passage
If you are still on the original build, these are the fixes for these bugs.
Sometimes, you can't harvest plants or animals:
There is a low chance that plants and animals are not harvestable even if you have enough stamina. We are working on a fix for this! Clicking save and quit and re-entering the world resolves this issue.
Sometimes, the Dapophet Pod gathering mission for Lufri won't be completed:
We're working on a fix for this issue, but for now, this workaround should allow you to complete the mission and continue your progress.
- Stand near Lufri and run
/tag @s remove has_bow2
- You'll get the completion dialogue!
- Run
/tag @s add has_bow2
Call Ikran does not work for some players:
We are working on a fix for this issue, but for now this workaround will allow you recall your tamed Ikran.
- Run the command `/tp @e[type=spr:banshee,x=8,y=8,z=8,r=10] @s`
- Save and Quit from the world and re-enter
- Take a few steps away from the Ikran
- Use the recall item, if the Ikran teleports to you then it's good to go!
Note: If the Ikran gets more than 64 blocks away from you, it will be unable to be recalled until the fix is live.
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