You will find a blue book in your inventory when you spawn into the world. This book contains helpful information explaining how you use the add-on. You can refer to this guide in-game for quick explanations of each character and new gameplay mechanics!
If you lose your book, you can craft it using a Ring.
Collect Rings
The first step to getting started is to collect rings! You'll find rings all over your world. Rings do not respawn, so you'll have to keep exploring to find more! Rings allow you to craft a Select Screen and unlock Team Sonic Lives.
Note: You can see additional crafting recipes for Rings in our Item Overview article.
Build and Use a TV
You will need 8 iron ingots surrounding a ring to craft a Sonic TV. This TV allows you to purchase Lives for Team Sonic characters.
Sonic TV crafting recipe
Place the TV and interact with it to open the Lives menu. With enough rings, you can purchase a Life from the TV. These allow you to transform!
You’ll notice that some characters have different costs. The more expensive the character's lives are, the more powerful that character’s abilities are, with everyone’s favorite superior lifeform being the most expensive (cough… cough… Shadow).
Character Select Menu from Interacting with a TV.
General Character Abilities and Controls
Hold INTERACT with your Team Sonic Character Life in hand to transform!
All characters have special movement and combat capabilities:
- Move quicker and build momentum as you sprint.
- Destroy “soft blocks” such as tall grass automatically when you pass them.
- Automatically run up 1-block high ledges.
- Run across water and powdered snow. Just don’t fall in, otherwise you'll transform back into your default character!
- Jump higher and further while running.
Quick Combat Overview
While you are playing as a member of Team Sonic, you’ll have the ability to lock on to nearby enemies while jumping in the air. Press jump while you’re locked onto an enemy and you will Badnik Bounce off that enemy to damage them.
Additionally, if you take damage while you are transformed, there are a few things that may happen to you:
- You don’t lose health. Instead, upon taking damage, Sonic (or whoever you are playing as) drops their rings. Don't worry you'll have a few seconds to pick up the Rings you dropped.
- If you take damage and you don’t have rings, you lose one of your Character Lives that you purchased at a TV.
NOTE: For a breakdown of each character’s unique abilities and stats, as well as their controls, please read our Character Controls and Overviews article!
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