The latest update - ‘Skins & Bugfix 4’ 2.0.4
We’ve been zooming around catching bugs (and some rings) to improve your experience playing Sonic the Hedegehog. Read on to find out what we’ve done:
- We've added five brand new skins!
- Resolved an issue where achievement progress might not be recorded when you return from a level.
- Tails no longer falls too fast when they are in a special stage. (Who turned the gravity up that high??)
- Powerup TV's can be collected reliably again.
- Springs & Launch Pads work consistently in multiplayer.
- The achievement board can no longer fall through the floor in Tails' Lab.
- The walls in LBZ can be broken again.
- Waterfalls in LBZ no longer z-fight with the wall they are next to.
Update published: 07/01/2025
Version: v2.0.4-rc.1
Reporting bugs:
If you think you have found a bug please report it to us with as much detail as possible so that we can investigate. Include your Minecraft version, device, and any screenshots or media of the bug. Create your bug report here and select Ticket Type: Bug.
What to expect from content updates:
Will we be adding more ____ to the game? We will be monitoring the game closely and releasing updates to fix any issues that the community discovers. Although it is possible we will one day, we do not currently have plans for any more content updates in the future.
Previous Updates:
Update 2.0.3:
- Green Hill Zone music now plays correctly when starting Eggman Mode.
- Music correctly plays again if a player discovers the jukebox in the lab but does not punch it.
- When standing on springs or buttons in Mega Muck players now correctly keep their purple vision effect.
- We made loops and teleporter beams more reliable.
- When completing serveral acts inside of Green Hill Zone walls now break more consistently.
- We made the achievement board and achievement systems more reliable, meaning they should get stuck less often.
- Scythes now correctly deal damage to the player in Labyrinth Zone.
- Spinies now correctly deal damage if a player jumps on them.
- The Vector and E-123 Omega skins no longer clip through armour.
Update published: 30/06/2023
Version: v2.0.3.1_rc0
Update 2.0.1:
- Shuffled the order skins are displayed on the store page so that they make slightly more sense.
- Updated the patch notes to 2.0.1 in-game.
- The number 3 no longer appears in black on the achievement board for players using French (France).
- Amy no longer plays her jump audio twice if you jump after falling off some blocks.
- Tails no longer falls quicker in special stages than other characters.
- Removed the chance that some players wouldn’t be teleported out of the water in the Chao Garden.
- All coins in Labyrinth Zone give players coins now, we had applied a temporary fix so you shouldn’t have noticed this one!
- Character abilities can no longer break the blocks underneath the achievement boards which caused them to fall into the void. If your achievement board still disappears please open a support ticket.
- Stage music now plays correctly when starting Master Mode.
- Leaving an act now plays lab music even if the player has not completed the lab tour and visited the jukebox.
- Invincibility music now ends even if a player has not visited the jukebox in the lab.
- Removed a desk which ended up in the void below the hub, Tails just wanted some peace and quiet!
Update published: 08/07/2022
Update 2.0.0:
Tails’ Lab:
- Enter a new area of the Lab behind the anniversary garage door to explore the new LBZ hub area. Did Tail’s forget this was behind that door?
- Explore new easter eggs, including three interactable ones. The Mystic Melody flute, Dr Robotniks Arial Badnik, and Sonic’s skateboard.
- Players on existing worlds will see a new sign telling them they need to create a new world to access LBZ.
- City Escape is now available on the jukebox.
Labyrinth Zone:
- Race through the brand new Labyrinth Zone, which path will you take?
- Avoid deadly new traps & Badniks, including scythes and the Burrobot.
- Collect all the Master Emerald shards and unlock Master Mode, what’s the best time you can get?
- Complete three new achievements to unlock the Emerald, Knuckles, and Creeper Chao.
- New water mechanics, pick up some speed and run across water and slide down water slopes.
- Five brand new skins: Snowsuit Tails & Sonic, Super Sonic, Long Claw, and Donut Lord.
- Updated patch notes to 2.0.0.
- Tail’s upgraded his PC to have glowing screens.
- You can now ride in the Tornado planes in the lab, you can’t fly them though!
- Made sure Knuckles can only glide for the time he is designed to.
- The Chaos Emerald outlines on the GHZ, CPZ, and SSZ scoreboards are now the same colour.
- Made it so the emerald platform can not be ‘knock backed’ by using a character ability.
- Shadow’s achievement now unlocks if you meet the criteria on the achievement board. Congratulations if you didn’t take damage for two acts and got the old one though!
- Applied a potential fix for some players not having music if they leave and re-enter the game while inside a level.
- Using Chaos Control as you enter a warp ring at the end of the level will no longer cause you to spin the air.
- Added a fail-safe for unlocking Super Sonic after a player has collected all the Chaos Emeralds.
- Players no longer get teleported to the hub if they enter the water in the Chao Garden, you still can’t take a dip here though.
- Reduced the chance of being able to see the warp ring turn red (‘die’) at the end of a level.
- Players can no longer see effect timers rapidly changing if they open the effect screen.
- Fixed some Z-Fighting (textures clipping into each other) on Tornado 1.
- Improved the legibility of the achievement board in several languages.
- Fixed some places where truncation (text being cut off) was happening for french players.
- Fixed an issue where Shadow’s ability did not display in the NPC.
Fixed the time achievement sign being unreadable after using “Achievement Fix”. in the Omochao (performance Chao).
Update published: 06/04/2022
Update 1.1.3:
- We fixed the Z-fighting that happened on the Chemical Plant Warp Ring and on Amy in the ring shop.
- We made it so side springs only activate if players run into them, not if they are above them.
- We fixed knuckles sometimes breaking the animation for loops.
- We fixed an issue where players would be stuck in ball mode if using a warp crystal with a power-up.
- We fixed several animation issues when using abilities as characters.
- We fixed an issue where the Loop animation would not play.
- We fixed a 1.18 issue where players would sometimes experience the effects of killing a Newtron without killing one.
- We reduced the chance of Critters being left behind on the level on later runs.
- We've updated the 5 localised languages, there are fewer bits of text in English when these languages are selected.
- We updated the patch note Chao to include these patch notes, is this meta?
What happened to 1.1.1 and 1.1.2?
- To avoid confusion we skipped v1.1.1 so that the public release version number matched our internal version number.
- We pushed update 1.1.3 before 1.1.2 came out, so the two updates got merged, you are still getting the fixes we pushed for 1.1.2.
Update published: 03/12/2021
Update 1.1.0:
- We fixed a situation in the Chemical Plant Zone where a player could get stuck behind a door. Dr Eggman’s evil plans won’t work this time!
- We fixed the rare occurrence where a debug message was shown to players “[Server: The origin needed to execute this function was invalid]”.
- We fixed the graphic for “Run and max speed for 15s”, it should not have been backwards.
- We removed the flowers that players could pick up by accident in Sky Sanctuary Zone. Now you have room for all the rings!
- We fixed the issue that caused the level complete ring not to load at the end of acts.
- We made some fixes to skins including:
- Sonic is no longer missing part of his quills.
- Amy is no longer missing part of her skirt.
- Omega, Gamma and Vector have improved legs. Parts no longer stick out when wearing armour.
- Blaze now has their missing tail.
- We added a lectern near the achievement board which displays the changelog (English only). Interacting with the lectern will show you what has changed in the latest update.
- We added a new big sign to give players a better way to know they can carry on progressing through acts. It is pretty large and says continue, you can’t miss it!
- We’ve made it clearer you can right click on the tutorial signs to read more information.
- We improved the readability of the tutorial sign, changing words and removing bits.
- We added "Omochao" in the tutorial area. This Chao has details about our support site and ways to improve performance.
- We added a music toggle lever next to the “Omochao”. This will disable music looping, which has a big performance boost while playing. The “Omochao” explains this in game.
Update published: 21/07/21
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